
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Today was Africa Day and I'm bringing back #afrofoto - Day 1

I have 2 alarms set in the morning. The first one goes off, but it's not for getting UP. It's for WAKING up...I have 20 minutes to check into the world outside the 4 walls around me (news, email, social media etc.) AND feed baby for the morning while we lie in bed. I get into Instagram and there were a few posts, especially by people/Africans in time zones ahead, wearing their African print clothes, showing off jewelry and/or flashing back to their last trip back to the continent. Did Africa die...? no! It was all for #AfricaDay!! Today was/is Africa Day. Quick history behind it - May 25 marks the founding of the African Union in 1963. It's celebrated in many African countries and, OF COURSE, by Diasporans - we no dey carry last.

I typically choose my outfit for the day the night before so I thought to myself *insert thought bubble* "How can afropolitaine the blogger mark this here day in her own way? - CLOTHES of course"!! There's a dress I've worn just once that I bought while in Ethiopia when I went to the market on an in country work trip to Bahir Dar. There were so/TOO many dresses like it, but something about the color combination caught my eye [it wasn't the combination of either neon colors nor the red-yellow-green]. I haggled HARD for that dress because the market was HOT, had WAAAAAY too much going on and I knew I didn't want to have to come back so I was getting everything in gifts for others there and being DONE. I wore it the first time while living in Baltimore (just moved a month ago) at Artscape to a Wyclef Jean concert (life was gotten there [he really is/was such a talented artist and I didn't realize how many hits he's had throughout his career....but that's a convo for another day]).

The dress. Let's talk about the dress. It's the typical/traditional woven off white cotton called shemma. It's a pretty casual style and a bit see through because the weaving is light so I wore a beige short tank dress underneath as a liner. I actually fell in love more with it now because I previously thought it would only be cute during maternity - this dress said no girl you can wear me anytime!

I enjoyed wearing it and got several compliments in it *insert dancing salsa girl emoji*  (yes ...i just realized dancing and salsa make that redundant, but also it could be salsa the food). 

Onto where this blog stands currently. OBVZ I have not blogged not nearly enough. Actually, even not near enough is way more than what I've done. Motherhood has taken all those moments I used to use for stuff like this and replaced them with a completely different set of joys. When it's not those joys its also just enjoying the teeny tiny sweet ounce of doing nothing. Funny how doing nothing also means something completely different now that I'm a mom. "Doing nothing" can be folding laundry you meant to 3 days ago when it dried, doing your OWN laundry, clearing out the clutter indoor's different. I do, now that she sleeps better (earlier and longer) want to ease my way back into blogging. It was, after all, one of the joys I had before. I'd like to make a commitment to you all so STARTING TODAY, I'm bringing back the #afrofoto daily series! I'll commit to 10 days first and push to make it past that day by day. 

So yeah this whole post was Africa Day and #afrofoto day 1. The dress is from Ethiopia, I'm excited to be back...ARE YOU WITH ME?! Ok, let's do this together :)


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