
Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Year 2012: Bulawayo Style!

(Bulawayo's skies are like no other)

I have decided to embark on a journey! Blogging. Blogging for the next 30 days mostly because, however challenging it may be, it is fun. I was racking my brain for a theme to go with whilst scrolling through the random videos and pictures that have accumulated on my computer's memory...and mine. It was a good year and even more than that it was packed full of interesting memories. So for the next 30 days I will be blogging about interesting things I saw and heard and what I may have learnt or realized from them. Now I won't do it in any particular order and sometimes what I observe and share won't be that deep, but hey - I am sharing and sharing is caring :)

Best place to start, at least in this post is how I brought this here 2012 in. I flew to South Africa and Zimbabwe for a 10 day trip on the 29th of December and arrived in Johannesburg on the 30th only to catch the flight from there to Bulawayo on the morning of the 31st. That 1 night I had in Jo'Burg was packed with excitement as my aunt loves a good time and leaves no one behind - least of all her fabulous niece, yours truly! I'll tell you about that tomorrow (Yess!!! I have a topic in advance (: )

 When I got to Zimbabwe, that night my childhood friends and my youngest uncle I call my bruncle went out and it was EPIC. Not only because yes it was a good night - but bringing in the new year with them and being in the comfort of one of the places you call home where you feel THE most at home...#bliss!

 The City of Kings - Bulawayo
 all's quiet downtown on New Year's Eve (Haddon & Sly in the background)

Standard Chartered Bank - Bulawayo from Horizon's rooftop

 wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah into 2012

                                               DJ booth at midnight over the pool

Coming home at about 7 in the morning from a great night out, a beautiful sky and a feeling of homeness! There are so many subplots happening even within this night, but we do not have time for that right now lol... "Homeness", especially for those in the Diaspora, being a state of being at home - not just where most of your underwear happens to be right now, but where your heart and self needs very little explanation and feels the most at peace. Bulawayo was great and I am very blessed and grateful to be from where I am from and have the friends and family I have.


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