
Friday, December 14, 2012

Boston: the City not the Celtics!

I went to Boston some time in July and in between what I had gone for managed to squeeze in a whole lot of the amazing city. The last time i'd been there i didn't do much so this time i was determined. What I enjoyed seeing:

the duck boats
the biggest Apple store in America
streets around Beacon Hill
these narrow streets are still lit by kerosene lamps at night
monument to Black Civil War soldiers
Massachusetts State House with a gold dome
going from land into the Charles River, once the most polluted river - now the cleanest in US
view of the Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge, world's widest cable-stayed bridge, named after a Jewish Civil Rights leader
Suffolk County Jail (awarded numerous architecture awards)
underpass somewhere along the Charles River
sigh :) - so beautiful and relaxing
Old State House where Declaration of Independence is still yelled from on 4th of July
passed this glass building downtown and caught a glimpse of our duck boat :)
beautiful sunset back at the hotel
awesome outdoor fire on the rooftop sipping on good stuff

I learnt a LOT while I was in Boston and i'm glad I partook in the touristy tour while there because it was such a short time and I did not have time to "discover it myself". I took a lot more pictures but just thought to share a glimpse with you. Pictures all taken on my Nokia N8, "#nofilter".


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