
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday everyone! It was a good one for me. What did I do you may wonder?! Absolutely nothing - i enjoyed the sweetness of doing nothing. Dolce far niente as the Italians say :) First thing I did was call my grandparents in Zimbabwe and they were ever so excited to hear from me and my grandmother and I talked like homegirls for a while. She asked me/recommended that I get on facebook so that I might find someone. Code for find someone and settle down because [she actually said] she wants to organize a wedding! I love that woman with the majority of my heart and there is nothing she says, however funny it may be, that doesn't come from a good place. Decided to call me uncle as well, in Zim too, and that was fun! Besides basic housekeeping I caught up [/watched for the first time] on Scandal SEASON 1!! That's how out of it I apparently have been with that show. I have to say, so far so smashingly awesome!

I've got some post lined up for you all and you will not be disappointed. Have a great week and catch you here very soon :)

BIG UPS to Ghana for doing what it is guaranteed to be good at - peaceful elections and democratic processes!

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